About Yintelligence
With a firm commitment to making yoga relevant, inclusive and accessible to all who wish to nurture their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, Yintelligence is a school that provides practitioners and teachers with the knowledge and skills to practice and teach individualised yoga, by combining traditional practices with modern science.
Yintelligence is dedicated to educating, inspiring and equipping the yoga community with a practical and comprehensive toolkit, comprising of both Western and Eastern modalities, that offers the highest level of knowledge to skilfully practise and teach yin and functional yoga, whilst holding the space to do the deeper healing work.
We believe that understanding skeletal variation, individual bio-mechanics and applied functional anatomy is a fundamental requirement to practicing and teaching good asana. Only when the body is safe in a pose can we start to explore our inner landscape, that often requires more compassionate understanding, skilful guidance and support.
Our focus lies on cultivating both Body Yintelligence and Emotional Yintelligence.
Our purpose is to serve the yoga community with integrity, authenticity and heart, as we travel The Path of personal growth and transformation.
“By focusing our efforts on building emotional muscle, as much as physical muscle, we can navigate life and all it’s inevitable storms with far more comfort, grace and ease”
- Nicky
About The Curriculum
Yintelligence offers two separate, yet integrated pathways, that provide various complimentary healing modalities for the body, heart and mind.
Body Yintelligence
There are no two human skeletons alike and therefore it is impossible for two people to ever look the same in a yoga pose. This is a fact.
Yintelligence is dedicated to sharing the best practices in how to honour each person’s unique physicality through the rigorous exploration of skeletal variation, bio-mechanics and functional anatomy.
Using Paul Grilley’s 14-10-7 model, we guide teachers to teach based on function, not aesthetic. We emphasize the importance of engaging in dialogue, so as to help students discern for themselves what asana shape is appropriate for their unique physicality.
We train teachers to translate a functional approach to yoga, born from the yin curriculum, to all styles of yang yoga (whether that be ashtanga, Bikram, vinyasa, hot etc.)
Approaching our yoga asana with Body Yintelligence is imperative if we want to avoid injury, optimise our physical health and support a long-term sustainable yoga practice.
“When you learn to see the body as 14 skeletal segments, being moved by 10 myofascial groups, you will be able to skilfully adapt the 7 archetypal poses to suit the flexibility and skeletability of every student.”
— Paul Grilley
Emotional Yintelligence.
We live in a world driven by instant gratification, where we are trained to use any means possible to switch off from reality, to avoid discomfort at all costs. We attach to the pleasant and resist that which is unpleasant. This has resulted in an inability to live life on life’s terms and as such, many of us lack the necessary tools to navigate various aspects of life - including relationships, family and careers - with comfort and ease.
Our yin yoga practice offers a rich environment to explore all the layers of our mental and emotional landscape, that stand in the way of us living from our authentic nature, at peace with ourselves and the world around us.
Yintelligence provides a curriculum that introduces the true practice of svadhyaya, where we can study our patterns and commit to working through personal blocks and hindrances, so as to improve mental clarity, enhance emotional Yintelligence and support spiritual growth.
Yintelligence offers an informative and practical toolkit that teaches methods of meditation, contemplation and techniques on how to approach psych-emotional self-enquiry with sensitivity and awareness, on The Path to recovery from limiting self-beliefs and addictive tendencies (*addictive behaviours are not limited to alcohol and drugs - they include food, sex, love, toxic relationships, TV, technology and social media, to name a few).
Yintelligence is a learning institute committed to ensuring our yoga practice is inclusive and accessible to all who wish to do the necessary work, to transform the body, heart and mind.